In old Hurley, New York this Old Stone house was built around 1710. Petrus Elmendorf ran a tavern here called the Half Moon Tavern
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The first image here shows part of the original drop valance hood. The hood boards restored. In this application the valance hood boards are nailed directly to the hood beam. In other jambless valance hoods an oak batten was nailed to the hood beam which hung the board low enough to catch the smoke from the fire. there was space between the board and the beam. A small moulding applied to back of board and then bricks laid up to the underside of hood beam. Ceilingheight plays a role upon which type of application is used. In Elmendorf here this ceiling height is low which is why the valance was nailed directly to the beam. In the next image shows the early jambs which were applied to the smokey jambless were leaning and were very weak. These jambs were then stabilized , shimmed and then reset plumb. These very rare survivors were then fixed to the valance hood and the back wall of fireplace.
Hello all. This site I am developing to share with you all the history of my stone house by the way of photo and text. Also I would like to share with you as found existing conditions and restorations going on here at Elmendorf. Please bare with me as this site is a work in progress. Hope you all enjoy.
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